Dare And Be Dared

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What is Anonymous Request?

Anonymous Request is a social platform that's revolutionizing how people can transact online in a safe and efficient manner.  The site stands for freedom of speech and freedom of expression in the most absolute sense, allowing anyone to send and receive personal request that pay.   






Paid Out


1. C R E A T E  A N  A C C O U N T

It's free and easy to set up an account and understand how it works.

2. S E T  Y O U R  P R I C E

Set the minimum price that you'll accept a request. Others may send you requests for more than your set price but never for less. You complete requests at your own discretion by recording short videos up to 30 seconds long. 

3. P R O M O T E  Y O U R  A C C O U N T  &  G E T  R E Q U E S T E D

Start completing you profile and getting requests from users already in the platform. Then promote your request link on social media to get requests from friends & fans. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I start earning on Anonymous Request

You can start by signing up at AnonymousRequest.com.  After signing up complete your profile and you can start receiving paid requests from users in the app. You can also share your link with your fans.

How can I make money on Anonymous Request?

On Anonymous Request you can receive monetary requests that you complete with a short video. You can set the minimum price that you are willing to answer each request and you can share a direct link to your profile to anyone outside the platform.

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